Just a few ecodharma resources to inspire your journey

Web Content
A virtual EcoDharma center supporting a global community in the Path of Engaged Practice.
Loka Initiative
An education and outreach platform to support faith-led environmental and climate efforts.
A podcast that explores ways to think about this moment that might help us seize its best possibilities.
Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center
A home for meditation in nature.
An annual three-month meditation retreat sustained solely through dana.
Grants to organizations that provide evidence-based mindfulness and meditation programs in ways that help human beings joyfully face the challenges of our time.
This program offers basic Buddhist training in the wisdom and skill needed to be a Buddhist Environmental Chaplain, i.e., those who work to support people in developing healthy, compassionate, and mutually supportive relationships with each other and with the natural world.
Green Gulch Farm and Tassajara Zen Mountain Center
My home temples.
Books and Articles
Active Hope by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone
Ecodharma by David R. Loy
Gardening at the Dragon’s Gate by Wendy Johnson
Love Letter to the Earth by Thich Nhat Hanh
Practice of the Wild by Gary Snyder
Radical Dharma by Rev. angel Kyodo williams and Lama Rod Owens
Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet by Thich Nhat Hanh
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
Unbroken Wholeness by John Bell
Here at the End of the World by Joan Sutherland
Your Liberation is on the Line by Rev angel Kyodo williams
Speaking of Nature by Robin Wall Kimmerer (related audio interview here)
Loving a Vanishing World by Emily Johnston